How To Stay Consistent - 1 Tool You NEED For This

In this video/article I will walk you through why you need a consistentcy calendar, how to set one up, & how to utilize it as much as possible for the best results.

I got this idea from Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness on Instagram) & never used it or had my clients use it because I didn’t know how helpful it was until I had a bad week.

I had 5 or 6 days in a row of overeating in May.

I instantly remembered this idea from one of Jordan’s podcasts and bought a calendar off Amazon and started it when it arrived.

Now let me explain why this could be worth doing for yourself…

Why You Need A Consistency Calendar?

Have you been struggling with consistency or not seeing results lately? 

Want more accountability?

Want to know how good it feels to rack up green checkmarks and how shit you’ll feel crossing a red X on the calendar?

Want to see if you’re actually being consistent or you’re just bullshitting yourself?

Let’s find out and go over…

How To Set Up Your Consistency Calendar?

Step one is obviously that you need a PHYSICAL calendar, not a digital one. (The $12 Physical Calendar I Use)

This needs to be at your desk or in your bedroom.

After you get a calendar you’ll need something to write with, ideally 2 pens/makers that are different colors but they can be the same color.

Now set a goal for this to rely on.

For example, I use mine for 4 things: workouts, steps, calorie goal, & protein goal.

If this is your first time I recommend just going with calories. or just going with calories + protein.

After that you need to understand how to fill it out:

Checks and X’s

Checks: Everyday you hit your calories put a green check

X’s: Everyday you don’t hit your calories put a red X

That’s it now let go over…

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Consistency Calendar?

You need to remember how awful and shit it feels like to write down a “X” on a day. Remember how defeated you feel, but also remember that tomorrow is a brand new day to get back on track. Then after awhile you’ll accumulate 5, 7, 10, 14 check marks in a row & you’ll feel euphoric…maybe. If not I guarantee you’ll be proud. 

Every single month you can look back and calculate your consistency %.

The percentage you were on track that month.

Why should you care about this?

Because to se the results you want you’ll need to be around 85-95% consistent each and every month.

How do you find that out?

Step 1: how many days are in that month?

Step 2: how many days did you have “X’s”?

Step 3: Subtract the X’s from the days in the month.

Step 4: Divide the answer from step 3 by step 1.

Let’s take my consistency in July as an example so you can see how this works:

Step 1: how many days are in that month? = 31

Step 2: how many days did you have “X’s”? = 3

Step 3: Subtract the X’s from the days in the month. = 28

Step 4: Divide the answer from step 3 by step 1. = .90 = 90% consistent & on track

However, That’s Not All…

When you get an X you need to reflect on why.

  • Are your calories too low?

  • Are you consistently going out to the bar on the weekend or drinking too much alcohol?

  • Are you not planning for social events?

  • Are you making sure you have foods in your home that make sense for your goals each and every week?

Once you figure out a why to a red X day you can create a plan to prevent that in the future or come up with plans to lessen the chance of you even facing that obstacle at all.

Although sometimes you might just mess up or over eat or get lazy & that’s okay.

As long as those times are rare.

Let me know in the comments if you’re going to give this a shot. If so go buy 2 different colored markers/pens and a physical calendar today. 

Thank you for reading or watching!

I hope this has helped you and if it has…

Please let me know via email!

Also, if you have any questions about what we talked about today…

Email me, I’d love to answer your questions and give you some advice 🤝


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Talk soon,

-Ted :)

Ted Gorman

Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

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