Reverse Dieting to Increase Metabolism - Maintenance 101

Reverse Dieting to Increase Metabolism - Maintenance 101


A ton of people accidentally gain too much weight back after dieting or they gain it all back because they didn’t prepare for the diet after the diet. Whether bio feedback is horrible and you need a diet break or you’re at your goal and want to go back to maintenance calories this video is for you.

we are going to go over who needs to consider reverse dieting, how to reverse diet, a few different ways to do it, and transitioning into maintenance smoothly so that you can maintain the results you worked hard for.

Part 1 - Who Should Consider Reverse Dieting?

Person 1

You’ve reached your goal. that’s it, right? if you’ve reached your goal and you’re ready for maintenance or to enter a building phase you should reverse diet, the calorie deficit no longer makes sense for you and you now need to transfer into a nutritional phase that you can sustain to maintain the results you earned. ~enter the maintenance phase~

Person 2

You haven’t reached your goal. BUT… You’re very close to your goal. And although you’re very close to your goal…all your bio feedback is coming back negative and your consistency is off. You’re “cheating” you’re starving on a daily basis, you’re an asshole to people you love, co-workers, and some stranger on the internet that has a different opinion on when it’s acceptable to start listening to christmas music. You’re hangry, you’re irritable, trouble sleeping, headaches, constantly cold.

Person 3

You’re a chronic dieter, you’ve been dieting and trying to diet for a long time, eating super low calories and you might be close to your goal or far from it but either way your metabolism is down regulated from eating low calorie for such a long period of time. You know you can’t really decrease calories further without making your life a living hell.

Part 2 - How to reverse diet?

Option A

This option is for people who are ‘scared’ or ‘anxious’ about seeing the scale go up even though you KNOW you won’t be gaining fat. This option is slowly adding calories back every single week until you’re maintaining your weight on average.

Let’s go over it week by week. Let’s say you’re eating 1200 calories per day right now.

Week 1 you will add 100 calories right away, so you’re now eating 1300 calories every day.

Week 2 +50 calories = 1350 cals/day

Week 3 +50 calories = 1400 cals/day

Week 4 +50 calories = 1450 cals/day

Week 5 +100 calories = 1550 cals/day

Week 6 +100 calories = 1650 cals/day

Week 7 +100 calories = 1750 cals/day

Week 8 +50 calories = 1800 cals/day

*What to do week 9+ in part 3

Option B (my personal favorite)

This one is for the more rational thinkers and people who take more comfort in logic. You know increasing calories back up to maintenance will NOT lead to fat gain but weight gain because you’re eating more food so you’ll have more food in your digestive system, you’ll most likely be eating more carbs and sodium which will lead to water weight being gained.

Let’s go over it week by week. Let’s say you’re eating 1200 calories per day right now.

Week 1 you will add 300 calories right away, so you’re now eating 1500 calories every day.

Week 2 +100 calories = 1600 cals/day

Week 3 +100 calories = 1700 cals/day

Week 4 +100 calories = 1800 cals/day

*Week 5 +0-50 calories = 1800-1850 cals/day

*What to do week 5+ in part 3

Part 3 - How to transfer into maintenance?

After you choose option A or B and go thru either the 8 week reverse in opt.A or 4-5 week reverse in opt.B you need a plan and structure for what to do next.

But if you’ve gone thru both plans and you’re still not maintaining your weight then increase or decrease calories until your weight is staying stagnant on average each week.

After you’re maintaining your weight, you need to decide what you want to do.

You can either be in a calorie deficit, calorie maintenance, or a calorie surplus.

So…here is a question you can ask yourself right now to help you decide on that choice:

  • Is it smart for me to go back into a deficit or should I work on eating around maintenance or in a slight surplus to build my body up, gain muscle definition, and build my metabolism up for 3-6+ months before going back into a deficit. Highly recommend this if you’re anything like person 2 or 3 from part 1 but especially if you’re person 3.

If you’re person 1 the choice would either be maintenance or surplus because you’ve reached your goal.

Quick side note: there’s nothing wrong with wanting to maintain your results, you don’t have to always be bigger or smaller. Choosing to be happy with your physique and chill around maintenance is 100% okay.

Whatever you decide make sure to commit to it for AT LEAST 3 months. Don’t become one of those people who jump from a deficit to a surplus every other week or month.


Will I gain fat in a reverse diet?

  • No. The only way you’re going to gain fat is if you eat in a calorie surplus CONSISTENTLY for weeks and months.

Can I lose fat in a reverse diet?

  • Yes, this is possible and sometimes normal. Although, this is not the main goal so please do not do reverse dieting to lose fat.

What Is the main goal of reverse dieting?

  • To make future fat loss easier by taking time to build your body and metabolism up or to smoothly transition into a maintenance or surplus phase.

Thank you for reading or watching!

I hope this has helped you and if it has…

Please let me know via email!

Also, if you have any questions about what we talked about today…

Email me, I’d love to answer your questions and give you some advice 🤝


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Talk soon,

-Ted :)

Ted Gorman

Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

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